Thursday, March 15, 2012

Santorum - "Teleprompters Should Be Illegal"

Of all the brainless comments made by GOP candidates this one takes the cake.  Santorum in an attempt to smear his opponents has said he feels teleprompters should be illegal.  So that means that every US president since Nixon should have not used teleprompters?  Oh please! 

In case you didn't know (Luddites and Amish are excused here) a teleprompter is a device which allows a speaker, usually on television to read his speech without looking down at his notes.  It allows for better eye contact with viewers and is much easier to read that looking up and down from prepared notes.

Just in case you had no clue, every president, politician and official reads from a prepared speech sometimes.  Hell, even Abraham Lincoln read the Gettysburg Address from his notes on the back of an envelope.  The ancient art of writing speeches is a time tested way to make sure your words are clear and concise. 

I suppose Rick "Frothy Mix" Santorum would rather everyone just shoot from the hip, and though most politicians and public figures do that sometimes, when it comes to an important message reading it really assures you will get it right.

So next time you hear someone denigrate the use of the teleprompter, let them know that the great communicator Ronald Regan used them in almost every speech.


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